CLANG 克浪!圆满落幕

“CLANG克浪! ”是一个唱响独立精神、人生态度、热血激情和自我表达的独立音乐节。该音乐节旨在透过乐团之间的火花碰撞、沸腾澎湃的现场演出,传递极具感染力、充满爆发力的体验,让乐迷们尽情摇摆沉浸在狂热氛围之中。

首届“CLANG克浪! ”邀来不同乐团及歌手呈现精彩演出,绽放华语独立流行及摇滚乐全新能量。

“CLANG克浪! ”将呈现一场活力四射、独具特色的多元演出,带领观众踏上包罗万象的音乐之旅,并提供一连串精彩体验,从手作工作坊到美容服务,以及各种餐饮选择,从本地美食、西餐到纯素食应有尽有。

An indie music festival that celebrates independence, attitude, passion, and self-expression. CLANG! aims to bring across the infectious excitement of a live, in-person experience – a pulsating heartbeat, the dynamics between band members, as everyone gets swept up in the spirit of camaraderie.

For its debut edition, CLANG! presents Chinese indie pop and rock with an eclectic mix of bands.

CLANG克浪! promises an exuberant, one-of-a-kind show with a variety of music styles, and accompanied by a stream of on-site activities from artisanal workshops to grooming services, as well as a roster of F&B options, from local to western to vegan.

Upcoming Events

17 JUN 2023