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CLANG克浪! 2024

第二届华语独立音乐祭CLANG克浪!重磅回归 严选7组必懂必听的小众宝藏乐团,听团仔非追不可8月30日及31日强势登场!

7组来自中国及台湾的优秀独立乐团 —— TRASH、傷心欲絕拍謝少年、海朋森、恐龍的皮、溫蒂漫步福夢首登新加坡,连续两天接力飙唱,震撼挥洒Live魅力和音乐实力,邀你抢鲜体验前所未见的燃炸舞台!



CLANG克浪! is back on August 30-31! 

Don’t miss this festival featuring an eclectic lineup of Chinese indie bands, including rock veterans TRASH, indie rockers Wayne’s So Sad, electropop duo The Dinosaur’s Skin, indie bands Sorry Youth and Wendy Wander, post-hardcore FUMON, and post-rock Hiperson.

This second edition of CLANG克浪! is a journey to discover some of the most exciting acts in the region. Beyond just the music, the festival is about building a community of passionate music fans and uncovering hidden gems.

30th August Day 1 


The 2nd edition of CLANG克浪!, the Chinese indie music festival features a lineup of rock veterans that are sure to deliver electrifying performances. Take in the raw power and musical prowess of TRASH, one of the pioneering indie rock acts in the scene. Then, get ready to be captivated by the emotive indie rock by Wayne’s so Sad. This is a must-attend day for any lover of Chinese underground music.

31st August Day 2

音乐祭精彩延续, 31日将有拍謝少年、溫蒂漫步、海朋森、福夢恐龍的皮登场献艺。观众将沉浸于一次别开生面的体验中,感受这些才华横溢的乐团以摇滚、朋克、电子等多元风格碰撞出的狂热激情与无限可能。

The festival continues its exciting lineup on Saturday, August 31st, featuring the energetic indie band Sorry Youth, the dynamic indie pop group Wendy Wander, the post-rock band Hiperson from Chengdu, the electrifying post-hardcore band FUMON, and the eclectic electropop duo Dinosaur’s Skin. Be immersed in a unique experience and feeling the infinite energy of these talented bands across genres like rock, punk, and electronic.

30 AUG

31 AUG

CLANG 克浪! 2024